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Volunteer Groups River Clean-Up Projects

Friends of the Big Sioux River (FBSR) offers companies and  organizations an opportunity to be directly involved in picking up trash on the streambanks of our local streams and rivers. If your business or group is interested in donating time to help clean up a stretch of a waterway FBSR will provide the clean-up materials below. Please call 605-679-6973 with any questions.

Clean-Up Kit

Trash Bags (for Trash)                                    Gloves                                     Bug spray           

Trash Bags (for recycling)                               Banner*                                  T-Shirts (for volunteers

Reach Extender

* If your group needs a banner please provide FBSR with the name & logo for printing.           

Instructions to Set Up a Clean-Up Project

  1. Call the state park or FBSR contact listed below to arrange the date, time and area of the project.
  2. E-Mail or call FBSR with the date, location, number of volunteers and sizes for T-shirts. Please let us know where to drop off the supplies for your project, and we will also direct you regarding where to leave bags with collected trash and litter.
  3. Provide FBSR with the name and a logo of your group if needed, so we can print a banner.
  4. You will be required to sign a waiver at the state park which will be supplied by the park manager.


Please make sure you take pictures of your volunteers and e-mail the photos to FBSR so we can feature your volunteer work in our newsletters and website.

Project Contacts

Location                                    Manager                     Phone                         E-Mail

Big Sioux Rec Area,                 John Dummer             605-594-3824            John.Dummer@state.sd.us
Brandon, SD   

Sioux Falls Greenway              Dana Loseke (FBSR)    605-370-8575              dana.loseke@gmail.com