LSS Riparian Buffer Project Update

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Two years ago, FBSR received a grant from Sioux Falls Area Community Foundation, combined with in-kind funding from the Sioux Falls City Parks, and FBSR volunteer time to install a native prairie riparian buffer along the greenway in downtown Sioux Falls. The first-year progress on this project was delayed by cold and wet snowy weather late into May. Last year the wet weather and the flooding prevented progress. Native grasses prefer warm weather so late cool springs slow germination. The seedlings that did sprout were quickly mowed down by the flock of geese that claims this site as their feeding grounds.

Despite the setbacks the parks department reseeded, and we hope to see more growth this season. To help jumpstart the process this past week volunteers from FBSR, led by Mary Ellen Connelly, planted a variety of native flowers and a native grass called alkali sacaton on a section of the site. This grass does well in poor soil so it should love the soil here. Sioux Falls park personnel erected snow fencing around the site to protect the plantings from being trampled by people and eaten by the geese so we are hopeful we will see native grasses and flowers sprouting this growing season.

When we started this project, we had several people interested in helping. If you are still interested in lending a hand we are looking for volunteers to help water, weed, and expand our plantings this summer.  Volunteers can call 605-679-6973. We look forward to working with you and Mother Nature!

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Re: Friends of the Big Sioux River Comments on the River Otter Management Plan and de-listing the otter from its “threatened” status


Portrait of a Watershed